
The military base building appears in SimCity 2000 and SimCity 4.

SimCity 2000[]

In SimCity 2000, the military base is a kind of reward buildings.  When the city's population reaches 60,000 for the first time, the player will be asked whether they would like a military base constructed in their city:

Your nation's military is interested in building a base on your city's soil.  This could mean extra revenues.  It could also raise new problems.  Do you grant land to the military?  (Yes / No)

If the player answers "Yes", one of the following four kinds of military base would be built at a random place:

  • Navy Base:  A navy base would be built if the city has a coastline not occupied by development. A strip of land along a coastline is chosen, spanning 10 tiles. For each of these tiles, an additional three tiles inland is also zoned for Naval base development, resulting in the development of about 40 tiles.
  • Air Base:  This would be built if the city is developed on a fairly flat terrain. This kind of military base is the most frequently occurring type. An 8x8 patch of land will be zoned for military use, specifically for an Air Force base. This type of base typically contains runways, control towers, etc.

It provides military support available for use as emergency dispatch.However, it also tends to increase pollution and crime levels. Sometimes this base will be zoned onto uneven terrain, rendering some of the property unusable for all practical purposes.

  • Army Base:  This would be built if the city is developed on a hilly terrain. It will have four roads dividing it

(a la tic-tac-toe) and will come with hangars and parking lots.

  • Missile Silo:  These are definitely the most unique of all the military bases available in SimCity 2000. Instead of a single, large base, your city is peppered with about six or so Missile Silos. Unlike the other bases, these silos provide no

emergency dispatches, but they still pollute and increase criminal activity. They are not frequently rewarded, however. Their status as a rare sight might make you feel endeared toward them as a result.

All kinds of bases are built on military-specific zones and require neither fundpower nor water from the city.  They also create adverse affect aspects of the city like lower land value, crime, pollution, traffic, etc.  In addition, having a military base in the city allows player to dispatch military units in addition to police or firemen.

Once established, military bases cannot be removed. However some air bases might leave out some zoned tiles un-built, and the player can de-zone these tiles for other uses.

SimCity 4[]

In SimCity 4, the play would get an option of an army base in business deals if the following conditions are met:

  1. The city's population is over 2,000
  2. City fund is §30,000 or less
  3. The city's fund is 40%, or less, of the fund 36 months ago
  4. The city's monthly income is less than its monthly expenses

When built, it would add §350 to the city each month.

Unlike the bases in SimCity 2000, the army base in SimCity 4 is ploddable instead of zoned. The base would slightly boost commercial demand and increases the demand cap of industries, but lowers residential desirability. In addition, the base would release slight radiation, and removing it costs §17,500.

The Army Base unlocks the tank and its associated missions in U-Drive-It mode.


  • In U-Drive-It mode, if a player drives a tank and shoots the base with its turret, the entire base will be levelled but the building's effect would remain.