Zippy patrol cars respond to crimes in progress and arrest the criminals, after exciting car chases! Police brings arrested criminals to the station to be rehabilitated in jail cells. The Police Station suppresses crime nearby.
Origin: France
  • Jail cells: 10
  • Patrol cars: 2
  • Patrol rate: Every 60 minutes
  • Cost: §30,000 Upkeep -§400/hr
French Police Station

The French Police Station is a ploppable DLC building in SimCity (2013), included as part of the France City Set DLC. Like all police stations, it starts with several patrol cars and can store several criminals in its jail cells.


  • French Police Station Sign: Attention! Patrol cars entering roadway at high speed! Origin: France
    • Cost: §200 Upkeep: No cost
  • French Patrol Car Lot: French patrol cars are small, but due to regional zoning regulations, standard lot sizes must be retained. Provides parking for additional patrol cars. Origin: France
    • Patrol cars: 2
    • Patrol rate: Every 60 minutes
    • Cost: §15,000 Upkeep: -§275/hr
  • Jail cells (Ground floor): Meager accommodations for criminals. Criminals are rehabilitated after several days. Must be plopped on the ground.
    • Cost: §15,000 Upkeep: -§300/hr
  • Jail cells (Top floor): Meager accommodations for criminals. Criminals are rehabilitated after several days. Cannot be plopped directly on the ground.
    • Cost: §15,000 Upkeep: -§300/hr


  • The police cars in a french police station have a higher acceleration than normal police cars.[citation needed]